I’m watching the Olympic opening ceremony and while I have some problems with one of the biggest violators of human rights being awarded the Olympic Games, I must say that I am very impressed by the show the Chinese put on. It was one of the best, if not the best, opening ceremonies I have ever seen.

A lot of blog posts made me think and entertained me this week:

Todd Hiestand wonders why we hate the homeless.

Jared Wilson has a good article on Searchwarp.

Bill at The Thinklings remembers.

Gospel Driven Church reveals what attracts the unchurched.

TSK wonders what we should do with the term “Emerging Church”. I think we should keep it a bit longer.

Brother Maynard provided the next two: What happens when you become a Christian?
and The Font Conference.

Jonathan Brink asks about your most important moment.

Jeff McQ asks three questions.

Grace went to church.

John Armstrong reviews The Shack.

Michael Spencer has a series, “Where is Jesus?” Part 1 is here.

imonk thinks the Suburban Jesus hates him.

I think you’ll find this amusing.

John Fonville begins a series on Galatians.

Bob Hyatt found some real Modalists.


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