This was the first full week of school. I’m tired and looking forward to the long weekend. I didn’t watch much of the Democratic convention, but I am glad to see the day when a person of color can be nominated by one of the major political parties. Vote for Obama or not, it is an historic time.

And now, what you all have been waiting for. The links of the week:

Philip at The Thinklings writes a letter.

Randy Smith has some good thoughts on “old people”. (HT: Jared Wilson)

Tall Skinny Kiwi has a good post on blogging.

This is heartbreaking. (HT: Brother Maynard)

Is your church like this?

Anthony Smith is going to vote.

If Jesus had a blog.

Good poem.

Michael Spencer has some good questions.

imonk thinks we should take Frank Viola seriously.

More “me too” from the Christian subculture. (HT: Richard Wagner)

Camille asks what’s left and right.

Barb has some questions for leavers.

Enjoy the long weekend and please pray for the son of a former co-worker of mine who broke his neck in a diving accident. The doctors repaired the break but still don’t know if there will be permanent paralysis.

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