To Those Who “Love Jesus”

I read and hear a lot from people who “love Jesus”. I wonder about this, because then I read and hear things that don’t match up with loving Jesus. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commands.” Some of the things I see from those who claim to love Jesus are, to be quite frank, violations of His commands.

I’m not just talking about those whose life seems to be characterized by drunkenness, immorality, profanity, and a general who gives a f*** attitude. I see it in those who are judgemental, who are self righteous, who are racist, who ignore the poor and oppressed, who think that just because they go to the right church, use the right version of the Bible, and know all the right words, have it made.

Jesus called us to follow Him, to be His disciples. A disciple is one who will do anything to be like his master. The ancient Jews had a saying, “Follow a rabbi, drink in his words, and be covered with the dust of his feet.” That meant to follow him so closely that the dust he kicked up would cover them. That’s what it means to follow Jesus. To be so close that we are covered with his dust. The early believers were first called “Christians” as a derogatory term because the culture was calling them “little Christs”.

Maybe the reason the culture rejects “Christianity” is because they look at the “little Christs” and think, “If these people are really like Jesus, I don’t want anything to do with them or him.” Can we blame them?

It is past time for those who claim to love and follow Jesus to be serious about what that means. It means that we are willing to do whatever it takes to be like Him. It means reading the account of His life and teachings in the Gospels and the teaching about how to flesh this life out in the rest of the New Testament. It means being willing to give up my dreams and passions in return for God’s dreams and passions for me. When Jesus walked on water, Peter was willing to get out of the boat and risk drowning to be like his Rabbi. How willing are we?

There is a revolution growing in the body of Christ. A new Reformation. God is doing some great things. Join us.

4 Replies to “To Those Who “Love Jesus””

  1. Co-Heir,
    Amen! Very well stated.

    “Maybe the reason the culture rejects “Christianity” is because they look at the “little Christs” and think, “If these people are really like Jesus, I don’t want anything to do with them or him.” Can we blame them?”

    Sigh…no we can’t. May all of us truly BE His Church by living our lives walking in Him and engaging with others with genuine care, love, grace and authenticity.

    Great stuff here, co-heir.

    Amy 🙂

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