Two Years

It’s been two years since my mom and dad left this world and stepped into the presence of their Lord. Mom passed on August 27, and Dad joined her thirty three days later, on September 30.

After two years, the pain and sorrow is not as fresh or strong as it was. I am continuing to heal, although there are still times when I find myself with a catch in my throat and a tear in my eye. When a holiday comes, especially Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, I stop and think about how much I miss them. Whenever I read or hear something about the loss of a family member, I feel my own loss. When I read about being reunited with loved ones in God’s presence, I long for that day.

When Josh, along with a little bit of help from me, laid a new kitchen floor, I thought of how my dad was probably watching while we were working; wishing we could hear his words of advice. I think he is pleased.

Losing the ones who brought you into this world, who began the process of teaching you to make your way, and who were a major influence on your journey of faith is hard. It does leave a hole that is not filled. Maybe that is so we don’t get too attached to life in the here and now, but look for the time when the King will make all things right.

2 Replies to “Two Years”

  1. Co-Heir,
    Thank you for so beautifully bearing your heart here. Sigh…I cannot imagine what it shall be like (or perhaps, I can) when my parents pass from this world into Papa’s arms. You will see them someday…and that will be a FINE day!

    Yet, that being said, I do understand your loss and the feelings that, at times, come up. Thus, I do not wish to minimize or cliche-cover your loss. For I lost my brother 13 years ago (you can read a bit more on my blog posted on 8/11/08 “My Life Story” – if you haven’t already).

    You are still quite young (2 years is very new/fresh) in your loss. May Papa continue to bless and heal your heart. It is amazing the growth, love and goodness He can bring from that pain. I am so grateful to Him that He’s worked and weaved such treasures into my heart and life from it all.

    Beautiful post, my friend.

    ~Amy 🙂

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