Today, I reach a milestone. So, in honor of my 100th post I give you the links of the week:

And to think I wasted five years of my life. (HT: Bob Hyatt)

Josh looks back.

Scot McKnight nails it.

Kingdom Grace reviews Coffee House Theology.

Brant Hansen knows how to redeem a violent video game.

Jeff McQ has a good series on re-thinking worship. Part 1 is here.

This is long, but very good.

Brother Maynard has a good post on the “demise” of emerging, emergent, etc.

This is cool. (HT: Brother Maynard)

Jefty economics.

Alan Hirsch wonders about fundamentalism.

Wow. Just, wow.

Tim Hill has a four part series on spiritual formation. Part 1.

Tomorrow we celebrate my wife’s birthday. Hope you have a good weekend.

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