This week has been historic. No matter who you voted for, it’s good that we have reached the point that an African-American can be elected President. I hope everyone enjoyed their free Starbucks coffee.

I started basketball practice this week. As always, I’m looking forward to the season.

Here’s the good stuff:

Many of the posts are on the recent political happenings. Bob Hyatt weighs in here, Dan Edelen gives us his opinion here, and Rich Wagner throws in his thoughts here.

Continuing a theme, Josh gives us his thoughts. imonk knows why some find the culture wars so appealing, and Jeff McQ writes about change. Jonathan Brink has written a letter to the next President.

Worshiping the Golden Calf? (HT: Michael Spencer)

Brother Maynard reviews Scot McKnight’s Blue Parakeet.

I hope your weekend is enjoyable.

4 Replies to “TGIF”

  1. Oh yeah, well I read the entire Bible last night and you are so wrong!!!

    Don’t spout off about basketball season, it is all about seasons of the LORD, you heretic!

    (There, I hope you feel important)

    (I just couldn’t resist after your comment on my blog rofl)

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