I’m sorry there was no TGIF last week. The weekend was crazy busy and there was no opportunity to sit down and list the good links. Here they are for this week:

Todd Hiestand realizes the significance of Christmas. Alan Hirsch writes about Watership Down, and TSK thinks the Magi had mullets.

Brother Maynard reviews Dunn & Crowder and The Voice. I learned some things from The Inigo Montoya Guide to 27 Commonly Misused Words (HT: Brother Maynard). Here are some Spectacular Christmas Lights From Around the World (HT: Amy).

Women’s Minstry Christmas Tea. Here’s a good cartoon from Nakedpastor. Don’t plan to be ignorant.

Are you “Christianized”? Brant Hansen has another blog post from Jesus. Grace takes the middle ground. Franklin is glad God won’t go away, while John Armstrong has a five part series on the resignation of Richard Cizik from the NAE. Part one is here.

Mangerology from John Frye. Scot McKnight on conversion. imonk writes about Baptist additions to doctrine, and the Biblical command to holy joy. HOMEpdx could use some help. John Fonville writes on spiritual terrorism.

Dan Edelen has a good post on the parable of the two sons, and Josh wonders if there is a connection between hell and torture.

That’s it for this week. I hope each of you has a very Merry Christmas celebrating the birth of the King.

One Reply to “TGIF”

  1. Co-Heir,
    Thanks for citing my Christmas Lights post!

    As well, thank you always, for doing these “TGIF” posts every Friday. I so appreciate them, as you always seem to mention some of the “bests” that I too, have read earlier on in the week, but also new blogpages/posts I had not heard of and which are great reads and often I add them to my Feeds.

    ~Amy 🙂

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