This has been a good week. The basketball team I coach had our first win Tuesday. Yay! Christmas vacation is almost over as school begins again on Monday.

For some reason a lot of the blogs written this week were about the year that just passed and the one that lies ahead. Enjoy

Barb is painting in gray. My little town made a top ten list! It’s number 9 on the list of top 10 visiting cities. Here is another good post from Dan Edelen. Annedroid posts a funny. Josh posts a top ten list, sort of (sometimes I wonder about that boy). 🙂

Imonk makes his resolutions for 2009. Do you have anything to sell? Brant Hansen might buy it. Jeff McQ has been dangerously musing about equality. Part 1 is here. Jonathan Brink writes on the church crisis. You should check out this very good webcomic. Is Sola on it’s way out?(HT: Brother Maynard). Brother Maynard thinks about the missional conversation in 2009. TSK is ready for adventure.

Enjoy your weekend.

3 Replies to “TGIF”

  1. As far as I know, only you and Frank come regularly from your little town, so let me thank you for being part of the 9th-most-frequent-vistor contingent. 🙂

    Happy New Year!

  2. my top ten list was my response to all the super-serious top ten list on websites, radio, newspapers, and tv. i thought it would be funny to make a top ten list of random phrases and not explain any of it.

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