This week has been busy and the weather has been on a roller coaster ride. On Tuesday, school was called of because of snow. Today it is sunny with a high near 6o. Today is Josh’s birthday. Stop by his blog and wish him a happy one. The country made history this week with the inauguration of President Obama. Of course that kicked the lunatic fringe of “Christianity” into high gear. Oh well. I guess folks have to find some enemy to fight.

Here are the good links for the week:

A Time to Laugh draws lessons from Mary Poppins. Dan Edelen again writes a good post, and Scot McKnight has some good thoughts about our new President and abortion. Lest you think the Israelis are the only bad guys, see this (HT: Scot McKnight). John Frye thinks we need to take Jesus back for America.

Brant Hansen gives a synopsis of the recent “24” episode. Next-Wave looks back at the last decade in the emerging conversation. If you’re interested in observing Lent, check out this from Christine Sine. Jared Wilson gives us some classic Larry Norman footage.

I hope your weekend is filled with God’s grace and blessing.

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