It’s time for another edition of TGIF! The weather here in the sunny South continues to tease, with temperatures in the 60s today and highs in the 40s forecast for Sunday. I guess March is going to come in like a lion.

Who knew? Evidently there was virtual church in the 1940’s. Lenten offsets? Good thoughts on helping the homeless. Structures for renewal (HT: Len). Do we really need another leadership conference? (HT: Jonathan Brink). Jeff McQ continues his series on love.

This is good. Brant Hansen reviews the John McArthur Study Bible. Grace writes about being missional. A network in need of a name. Dan’s thoughts on economics. Lent e-cards. How to be a gadfly. Amy’s thoughts on the upside-down Kingdom.

May God bless you this weekend.

2 Replies to “TGIF”

  1. Co-Heir,
    Thanks for mentioning my post on 2.25.09 here! My heart is that we will begin to “see” the homeless, mentally ill, culturally marginalized through the eyes of Jesus and listen to the Holy Spirit when He impresses on our hearts to do something when they are placed in our lives.

    As well, I always enjoy these TGIF posts where you list others’ blogpages. Many I visit, but you always seem to have new ones that I can discover.

    ~Amy 🙂

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