Friday, Saturday, who’s counting? This was a crazy week. We did the annual testing this week and the schedule was nuts. But we survived.

There’s a lot of interesting things going on out there in Blogdom. Here is this week’s sampling:

Good thoughts about celebrating holidays in church. Called by God? Does Jesus need a new PR campaign? No risk = crap (HT: Brother Maynard). A couple of good posts by Bob Hyatt, here and here. Have you ever thought about what it might look like if Starbucks marketed like a church? (HT: Jake Belder) Dan Edelen gives out a rare More Cowbell Award. Open mic at the IM Cafe.

iMonk on Jesus’ version of community. Scot McKnight is doing a series on the Kingdom Gospel. Part 1 is here. John Frye on the Dali-ization of the Gospel and Bible. The fine print. Are you awake? If you’re keeping up with Rabbi Encounters (and you should be) Rob Woodrum has another page up.

I hope you have a good weekend.

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