It’s been a good week. Busy, but good. It took two days to get caught up on the yard work after a week away. On Wednesday, I drove a bus for a local camp that is just starting up this summer. Today I spent the day working at a basketball camp. Summer has officially begun and the days are getting hotter here in the sunny South. Our drought is over and we are actually hoping for a spell of dry weather.

I was able to catch up on my blog reading so here are a few of the good links for the past two weeks:

Jared Wilson’s thoughts on the culture war. Perhaps you can find a way to help. Jesus is Alan Hirsch’s disequilibrium. Alan Knox gives us a hypothetical situation. The Tall Skinny Kiwi is taking a break. Molly writes about pathological spirituality. The sometimes surprising price of success. Rich Wagner is scared of both conservatives and liberals.

Requiem for the word “religion.” How do you like your coffee? This is just a bit much. (HT for the last two: Brother Maynard) Speaking of Brother Maynard, he’s doing some navigating. iMonk on worship: here and here. Rob Woodrum has begun a new chapter of “Rabbi Encounters”. Laurie D. Russell redefines beauty (HT: Scot McKnight). Grace gives us her doctrines of grace.

Enjoy your weekend. Tomorrow, it’s another day of camp.

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