We spent the biggest part of this week cleaning out the garage. It’s kind of fun finding out you have things that you forgot you had.

Without further ado, here are the links:

Brian Onken writes about Jesus’ timing. Jesse Medina reviews The Hole in Our Gospel. N.T. Wright on the question of gay clergy. What is your reaction to this? Imperfect spirituality. Alan Knox writes about koinonia. By the rivers of Babylon. Stories behind 10 T.V. theme songs and the world’s smallest microwave (HT: Brother Maynard).

Josh has a regret. What is an “average church?” A new riff from iMonk. What if winning means losing? How many of these do you drink? (HT: Scot McKnight) Scot McKnight has a series titled, “Never Alone.” Part 1 is here. John Armstrong has a series on Christian marriage. Part 1 is here. Jeff McQ on practicology. Grace talks subversion.

I hope your weekend is restful.

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