I was going to post last night about something significant that’s happening in our lives (at least it’s significant to me), but the internet was down at our house. So, you’ll have to wait until later. 🙂 All the teachers and staff started back to school this week, and it has been hard adjusting to going to bed and getting up earlier. You would think I’d be smart enough to start adjusting a few days before starting back, but nooooooo

One thing I have been able to keep up with is my reading, so I can give you, my loyal reader(s) the links I think are especially good. Here they are:

Bill Kinnon reviews Why We Love the Church. Molly is feeling a bit sheepish. Getting back. Jeromy Johnson is wrestling. This guy is just a bit off (Not the writer. The guy in the video). The unfair grace of God. Have you ever listened to the Devil’s sermon? What do teachers make? Jonathan Brink on consumerism.

John Armstrong on the teaching of Jesus. Foundational thoughts about church. Alan Knox on unity.

Enjoy your reading. Stay tuned.

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