This week seems to have gone by a bit slowly. I guess that’s what happens when you spend two days sick and just laying around the house. It’s getting colder here in the sunny South, and the trees are changing color and littering the yards with bright red, yellow, and orange leaves. Unfortunately, we can’t just leave them there, so tomorrow I start chopping them into mulch.

Pray for the folks at Fort Hood, those that are injured, and the families of those killed in this tragedy. In that light, if you haven’t read anything from iMonk yet, you need to read this.

Seeing the spiritual.
Splintered Kingdom.
This is a new church growth strategy.
Must have gifts for Christmas. (HT: Kansas Bob)
What if…

A quick way to find a church.
Being careful with technology.
A sweet gig. But is it right?
A good reminder not to live in the past.
What love means.

I know things are supposedly bigger in Texas, but this seems like a bit of overkill.
Handling money in the church.
Joining the Apaches.
Are you a Bible snob?
Sad but true. (HT: Scot McKnight)

A good post from John Frye.
It seems there’s something wrong about this.
Deconstructed spirituality.
Trouble with the law.
Scot McKnight has a good series titled, “Religion or Revolution.” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

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