This week, like most others, has gone quickly. I have a rare Friday night and Saturday off. There is supposed to be some sort of winter storm hitting the area tonight so our basketball game tonight was postponed and tomorrow’s practice has been canceled. So far, our town has received exactly zero inches of precipitation. 🙂

On to the good stuff:

Communities or churches?
Getting out of the insurance business.
Two weeks.
How to pursue justice without losing your soul.

Here is an update from iMonk.
The 20th Century’s biggest change in evangelicalism. A change for the better, in my opinion.
The only doc. (HT: Scot McKnight)
Doubters, arise!

Life vs. news.
Legalism? Good?
When good motives go bad.
Learning to dance in the rain.

Like clouds and wind.
Losing Jesus?
What are you chosen to suffer for?
Brother Maynard prognosticates.

Have a restful weekend.

2 Replies to “TGIF”

  1. Thanks for the links. We got out of school early on Friday. The snow and sleet came in a little early so we went home at 1 PM. I was so ready to wake up Sat. morning to a winter wonderland. Instead, all I saw was a wet, gray backyard.

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