Tonight, my basketball season comes to an end. It’s been a very enjoyable season. On the one hand, I’m sorry to see it end. I had the privilege of coaching a great group of girls this year. On the other hand, I’m glad that the late nights are over for awhile. The next thing is softball. I’m coaching a group of middle school girls. Should be fun. We’re supposed to get snow this weekend here in the sunny South, but it still won’t be as bad as what the Northeast has been hit with the past few days.

Here are the links:

Today is a national day of mourning in Haiti. Continue to pray for the people there.
A report card on the US budget from
Tech, the Church, and the death of community.
Pam writes about Brian McLaren and his new book.

Russ Masterson thinks he knows why Jesus was a carpenter.
What we hope for.
NOW hated the wrong ad.
Love hopes all things.

This is good.
Dr. Matt’s marriage counseling.
Removing the restrictions.
The spiritual language of membership.

There’s been a lot of talk about the state of the emerging church lately. Jonathan Brink weighs in here.
Scot McKnight say schools should bring back PE.
A mystery is solved.
John Armstrong writes about an unfortunate incident in Haiti.

May God bless you this weekend.

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