Another week has come and gone. Basketball season has ended and softball has begun. I’m going to spend the weekend relaxing and preparing for a bit of surgery on Monday. I have a couple of hernias that need to be repaired. It should be a simple operation, and hopefully I’ll only be laid up for a week.

Keep reading for the links of the week:

Following God and farming.
Josh contemplates death.
A classic from iMonk.
Just in case you wanted to record an audiobook.
A new kind of conversation.
Redeeming car wrecks.
What were you doing when you first heard this song? (For those of us a bit older)
An interesting way of stopping people from dancing. (HT: Scot McKnight)
A Lenten plea.

That’s it for this week. Enjoy your weekend.

3 Replies to “TGIF”

  1. The iMonk link needs a warning label…"get a box of kleenex before reading."

    My husband battles depression or post-traumatic syndrome. Medication helps but he'll be the first to tell you that his relationship with Christ is his life line.

    He could write a book about "well-meaning" Christians and their response to his depression. Not always loving and understanding…

    Praying that Monday will go well and you'll have a quick recovery.

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