This has been a sad week for many. Michael Spencer AKA the Internet Monk, passed away at the beginning of the week after suffering from cancer. He was an influential voice in Christianity, especially for those of us who are in what he called the “post-evangelical wilderness.” Michael’s heart was focused on Jesus Christ and the grace of God, and his writing reflected that passion. He will be missed here on earth. Continue to pray for the family.

Here are the links:

Rich’s views on the current state of pop music.
Dream with her.
Pam asks, “What if…?”
The remedy.

Classic Keith Green.
Classic iMonk.
Recovering the beautiful.
Exploiting the Resurrection. (HT: Scot McKnight)
Living with liminality.

A cup o’ joe, or…
This is pretty funny.
The Giving Tree.
Now here are seven steps to success I can agree with.

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