This week has flown by. We spent the week doing state standardized testing, and the school year is winding down. Tomorrow, Josh graduates from the University of North Carolina – Charlotte with a master’s degree in architecture. It’ll be a busy weekend for all of us.

Here’s the good stuff:

I didn’t know this before. Evidently, Craigslist supports sex trafficking.
A defense of art.
Don’t waste your trials.
Pam asks, “What if…?”
Chaplain Mike on the Beatitudes.
Beyond the old soul.

A place for grace.
This is encouraging.
Spiritual experimentation.
Tim Hill on authenticity.
Jared Wilson reviews Holy Subversion by Trevin Wax.
Alan Knox on being more ready to submit than impose.

Graduation advice.
Keeping up appearances.
Scot McKnight has a series titled, “Perilous Times.” Part 1 is here.
Scot McKnight on a Barna study. He asks what it means for churches.
A funny story with a serious message.
The Prodigal Son – in the key of F. (HT: Scot McKnight)

2 Replies to “TGIF”

  1. Plan to share the graduation advice link with my oldest. He graduates Friday from high school.

    "A place for grace" hit home this morning. Lots of no-so-nice stuff going on at work right now and my heart hurts for those involved.

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