For Josh

Today you graduate from UNCC with a Master’s degree in architecture. As you stated in your blog, the past three years have been more about how you’ve grown as a person than learning about architecture. You have certainly learned a great deal about architecture, both in theory and in practical terms. But what is most evident is your growth as a human being and a follower of Jesus.

We have always been proud of you as you have grown up. We have a son who shows love for God by a concern for those less fortunate. We see the Father’s hand in your desire to build affordable, sustainable housing so that people who have to live in public housing have a good quality place to live. We see Jesus in you in your plans to move back to Nashville soon in order to help in the rebuilding efforts.

You are a special son, and we are grateful to God for you. We pray that God will continue to guide you and give you success in what you do. It has been a joy to have you here the last three years and we will miss you. We know however, that you must go where you’ll be most alive and where you’ll be best able to use what God has given you.

We love you, Josh. Congratulations.

2 Replies to “For Josh”

  1. That's really kind and humbling. Thank you so much, and these last three years would have been so much more difficult without your and mom's help. I'm glad we can share everything that happens today.

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