This has been a good week. We went up to Morgantown, WV to spend a few days with Jan’s sister and her husband. Wednesday and today, I mowed the yard. I hadn’t mowed since July 2 and it has only been in the last week and a half that the grass has grown. Yesterday, I volunteered at the World Vision table at the Willow Creek Leadership Summit. It was interesting, and I realized how far I have come from the attractional church model with the pastor as CEO. I still came away with a few good thoughts.

And now, here are the links:

Human trafficking does not just happen overseas.
The spark.
Speaking the language.
Is evangelism a dirty word?
Needing Jesus… and his followers.
The Merry Monk is editing his life.

What’s in a name?
The terror of faith.
Jake Belder says we don’t know how to feel any more.
Jason Boyette rants.
Dan Allen on unity.
Scot McKnight continues to imagine. Part 6.

Love believes all things.
Thinking outside the treasure box.
Get chopping.
Christ followers underground.
There is more than one way to forsake meeting together.
A history of Christian Hipster music (HT: Scot McKnight).

Enjoy your weekend.

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