The first (short) week of school is in the books. So far, it looks like it may be a pretty good year. I’m going to be working more one-on-one with some students, so hopefully I’ll be able to be more of a help to them. Football season begins tonight for the local high schools, and a couple of them should do very well this year.

Here is the good stuff:

When Josh drove across the country and back last year, he wrote about his travels on his blog and took a lot of pictures. He has taken some of those writings and pictures and published a book. The title is Summer School: A Record of Miles Traveled, Things Seen, and a Self Found. I know my opinion might be slightly biased, but I think it’s good. You can check it out here.

Jeff McQ on transitions, tabernacles and timing.
Diane Nienhuis prayed to lose her job.
Just in time for college football season.
Todd Hiestand asks, “Do we have to spend money to have fun?

The Merry Monk wants God to bless you.
Tim Hill on awareness.
Chaplain Mike says, “Take cover!
God talk is dangerous (HT: internetmonk).

Scot McKnight asks, “What’s happening with Christian Music?
This makes me feel old.
Jared Wilson on the 3 best words.
Dan Allen on Acts and Romans and the Good News.

A good post from Jonathan Brink.
Bringing the leather.
Alan Knox on the Sunday thing.
Funny literal video.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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