It’s getting cooler here in the sunny South. The temperature tonight is supposed to fall into the 30s, with a freeze warning in the mountains. I have a four day weekend, so Jan and I are going into the mountains on Monday to catch some of the fall colors. Should be nice.

Here are the links:

Jeff Dunn’s little light.
Jeff’s safe place.
Dan Edelen’s sniff test.
The Merry Monk’s home.

Al Lindskoog’s passion is grace.
Scot McKnight’s next book.
Jim Wallis’ article on the election season.
Alan Knox hits number 2500.

Crossroads, clowns, credibility.
Are you a demographic? Jeff McQ evidently is.
Money versus wealth.
I don’t know how SI could leave out Walt Frazier and Bill Walton (HT: Scot McKnight)

Have a great weekend.

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