It’s been a stormy week. Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes across the country, and of course all the campaign ads. I, for one, will be glad when the voting is done and the ads are no more, at least for a while. The fall leaves are beautiful here, and it’s almost time to bring the plants in from the back porch.

On to the good stuff:

I don’t know if I want one of these or not.
I wish I had read this when my kids were young.
This is funny.
I really like this.
These are some guidelines for Halloween.
Some think that Lost should have ended like this.

The church is a who?
In defense of women.
Faith can be found, but not forced.
If Jesus were a candidate.
Old is new again (HT: Josh).
Do Christians contribute to society?
Take the God test.

Art, beauty, and craftsmanship.
A conversation we must have.
Profoundly human.
Where children learn they matter.
Superhero or thorn?
With great power comes great responsibility.
The art of glory (HT: Scot McKnight).

Enjoy your weekend. Don’t take any tainted candy. 🙂

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