Weekend Wanderings

My schedule has been a lot more busy the last couple of months. It’s the middle of basketball season, and we have a game every Friday. I had been pushing to post TGIF every Friday, and up until a couple of weeks ago, I was successful. Of course, that sometimes meant finishing the post just before midnight on Friday. That was getting to be a bit much, so I decided to replace TGIF with Weekend Wanderings. It may appear on a Friday, it may show up on a Saturday, it may even surface on Sunday. Sometime during the weekend, I will share links to some of the best blog posts I have read through the week.

Without further ado, here are the very first Weekend Wanderings links:
Dan Edelen asks if anyone still cares.
Al wonders about the ideal.
Donald Miller is in the garden.
Chaplain Mike on bad theology.
Lisa Dye has great expectations.
Jake Belder quotes Jaroslav Pelikan. Short, but so profound.
Scot McKnight has a series titled, “Converting our Imaginations.” Part 1 is here.
Scot also has a series titled, “Fully Alive.” Part 1.
Bill Kinnon wants more disciples.
It’s supposed to snow here in the sunny South on Monday. We’ll see. Have a great day gathering with the church tomorrow.

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