Weekend Wanderings

Last week saw normal weather make another appearance here in the sunny South. It was nice to be able to spend some time outside. This weekend has been a busy one, with a ball game on Friday, and two games yesterday. Today we celebrated Josh‘s 28th birthday. I don’t know how he can be that old.

Here’s a bit of the good stuff:
Dan Edelen is talking sense.
Donald Miller wonders how wise is honesty.

Pam Hogeweide has written a poem.
Jeff Dunn writes about surrendering to His teeth.
Interesting story (HT: iMonk).
John Armstrong wants Sarah Palin to stop.
This ad was not accepted for the Superbowl. That’s a good thing.
Ronnie McBrayer says we should walk in the light.
Jonathan Brink on exceptions.
Scot McKnight asks, Will you?”
Alan Knox has a good series on edification. The introduction is here.
This is pretty cool.

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