Weekend Wanderings

The recent earthquake in Japan showed that good planning, and strong building codes can go a long way toward keeping a disaster from being much worse. It also showed that there is only so much that man can do when confronted with the power of nature. Please pray for the folks in Japan and other areas hit by the earthquake and tsunami.

Here are the links:
Here are some good Lenten reflections from Bert Montgomery.
I don’t know. Do you think there might be a bit too many Christian conferences?
Andrea Krook has some art for Jesus.
Jonathan Brink has a question to ponder.
Ronnie McBrayer on servanthood.
Matthew Paul Turner has the bad Christian t-shirt of the day.
This was written for the day before Ash Wednesday, but it’s good for every day.
Damaris Zehner on the resurrection of hope.
Here is another iMonk classic.
I need to show this to the principal at my school (HT: iMonk).
Lent in Narnia (HT: iMonk).
Goop post from Eugene Cho (HT: Scot McKnight)

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