Weekend Wanderings

We had some storms roll through the area this week. There were a lot of trees knocked down, and some folks have been without power for five days. Thankfully, there was not the damage or loss of life that some have seen in the past few weeks. We have also been invaded by a plague of cicadas. I think they are the 17 year variety. They are pretty much just on our side of town where there are more old trees and not as many new neighborhoods.

Here is some of what I’ve been reading this week:
Dan Edelen on internet anger.
Donald Miller on the Fall and feelings.
Wow! (HT: Scot McKnight)
Ronnie McBrayer on finishing.
Jared Wilson on hyper-spirituality.
Chaplain Mike on expecting too much.
Dan Allen is writing a novel. An excerpt is here.
Matt on why he stopped praying.
Alan Knox on following Christ.
Have a great week.

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