Weekend Wanderings

It’s starting to get warmer here in the sunny South. In a couple weeks, school will be out and the easy, breezy days of summer will begin for some. Others will just have to deal with the heat. It’s been a good week, although it didn’t end the way some thought it would. Maybe folks will finally be convinced that Jesus meant what he said in Matthew 24:36.

On to the good stuff, since we’re still around to enjoy it:
Dan Edelen says farewell.
Don Miller on partnering with God.
Chaplain Mike talks eschatology.
Lynne Hybels says that love wins (HT: Scot McKnight).
John Armstrong on thinking.
Musicians on their favorite Bob Dylan songs (HT: iMonk).
Arthur Sido says that Sunday is just the start.
Wayward Son wonders what we do now.
Have a great week!

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