Weekend Wanderings

Another week has come and gone here in the sunny South. It’s getting warmer as we enter the July 4 weekend. I always enjoy this time of year, with picnics, festivals, and fireworks. The main reason this is an enjoyable time is the annual celebration of my marriage to Jan. This Tuesday marks thirty one years of marriage (I know, neither of us look old enough to be married for thirty one years). It’s true. The amazing thing is the fact that she has put up with me this long.

Here is the good stuff:
Check this out. Josh’s girlfriend is performing at the Vans Warped Tour in Charlotte.
Are you a voyeur?
It’s hip to be a babushka (HT: Scot McKnight).
A mother’s helper (HT: Alan Knox).
Arthur Sido is just wondering.
Alan Knox started a chain blog on divisiveness in the church. The initial post is here.
Enjoy your 4th!

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