Weekend Wanderings

It’s been a wet week here in the sunny South. The temperatures have gone up a little bit here at the start of autumn, but that’s pretty normal. Jan and I spent Friday night and all day Saturday representing World Vision at the Women of Faith conference in Charlotte. It was a good experience, and no, I wasn’t the only male there. In our community, we’ve been working through Micah 6:8 and what that means for us, beginning with our relationships. We’ve had some good discussion on a topic that I believe is important to our mission as followers of Jesus.

Here is a taste of some of the good offerings out there this past week:
Jo Hilder on the poor.
Wayward Son begins a series on distorted images of God.
Arthur Sido thinks about being pro-life.
Ronnie McBrayer says there is no need to keep jumping.
Keith Giles has a series on Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Part 1 is here.
Chaplain Mike says that prepositions matter.
Have a wonderful week!

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