Weekend Wanderings

Another week has come and gone, here in the sunny South. It is getting a bit chillier and it looks like it could be a colder than normal winter. One more week of school before Christmas break, and I think the teachers are looking forward to the break as much as the students. There’s lots to do between now and Christmas, and it seems like we’re going to be pushing it to get everything done. Oh well, as I always tell Jan, “It’ll get done.”

On to the links:
Do you think Jesus was a free-market capitalist? Me neither. (HT: iMonk)
Another post on ministry.
This is interesting.
Talk about your no-frills flight!
This is amazing.
A Christmas classic (?) from Jon Acuff.
I’m not sure either.
Alan Knox on Christmas lights.
Good words from Jared Wilson.
Chaplain Mike has a series on tools. Part 1 is here.
Scot McKnight has some good links over on his blog.
Have a great week.

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