Weekend Wanderings: Christmas Edition

Things are back to what passes for normal around here so Weekend Wanderings is back. It’s been an interesting week. We spent a couple days visiting my sister in Charleston, and then I went to Myrtle Beach to coach in a basketball tournament. Thursday, Jan, Josh, and Jennie came down to celebrate my birthday. Today, we gathered with our fellowship for a Christmas Eve brunch. We had a great time sharing a meal, have communion, and celebrating the first advent of the Messiah and reminding each other of the hope we have of his return.

I know you’re really here for the links, so here they are:

Harry Potter and the incarnate Christ.
Good words from Alan Knox.
Arthur Sido’s favorite Christmas verse.
The first to hear.
The message of Christmas.

One of the better Christmas hymns.
“The Nativity.”
Christmas and empire.
Is there any hope?
Waiting for baby Jesus.

The fullness of Deity.
Chaplain Mike has a series on the Magnificat and today’s gospel. Part 1 is here.
Candy canes.
Happy Holidays?
Peace on earth.

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