Weekend Wanderings

It has been nice and sunny this week here in the sunny South. Until today. Today it was chilly and rainy. It figures that on the weekend the weather would turn. As some wise person once said, “Like a kidney stone, this too shall pass.”

Here is the good stuff:

Name tags.
Ask Mr. Moralism!
A caution from Alan Knox.
I don’t know. This just doesn’t seem right.
Interesting news about yawning (HT: Scot McKnight).

Compulsory community.
The Kingdom of God is like…
Pretty People.
This Christian nation.
Save Jesus a seat.

Arthur Sido on idolatry.
Teaching and authority.
The purpose of prayer.
The blessings of boredom.
More on teaching.

May Abba’s love fill you to overflowing this week!

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