Weekend Wanderings

February has passed. March came in like a lamb here in the sunny South, with a high temperature of 80. We’ll see if March goes out calm or ferocious. Pray for the folks who have lost homes and loved ones in the storms the last couple of days. The devastation in some areas is incredible. Hopefully, this is not a harbinger of things to come.

On to the links:

Eric Carpenter on tension.
This encouraged and challenged me.
Bobby Auner has a story of restoration.
The dance toward God.

The wilderness of life under the Law.
Alan Knox on communication.
Grazing on Astroturf.
Ronnie McBrayer says, “Don’t waste it.”
Good question at More Than Cake.

Eat pray love.
Storm at sea.
A nice bit of poetry.
Skye Jethani interviews Rob Bell.

“This is all we can do.”
The wilderness of falsity.
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What are we fired up about?

Have a blessed weekend!

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