Weekend Wanderings

My two weeks of “forced vacation” are coming to an end. It’s back to work tomorrow. While it will be a bit of a shock to get up earlier in the morning, I am looking forward to getting back to the kids I work with and the softball team. March Madness continues, although the teams I cheer for the most are all out. My Musketeers made it to the Sweet Sixteen for the fourth time in the last five years, but ran into a very good Baylor team. Maybe next year. The trees are almost completely leafed out here in the sunny South. Thankfully the yellow pollen that covers everything will be gone in just a little while. Everything is about two weeks ahead here, so the festival our town holds every year will happen this year after a lot of the flowers have bloomed.

Here are the links for the week:

Frank Viola on our audience.
M. Morford says being a Christian is easy.
Ronnie McBrayer on faith.
Derek Leman on hesed in the Bible (HT: Scot McKnight).
The Mad Theologian on blaming Satan.

God talk.
Lost in Gethsemani.
Pastor as bouncer…
Book review: The Power of Weakness.
Impacted by others?

Matt posts about the best investment.
Nate on crashing.
Anna on lessons from a dog.
Julie on The Hunger Games.
Chaplain Mike reviews How God Became King.

Tats for tatfans.
Christian celebrities.
Waving the white flag.
How-to guide for spontaneous meal prayers.

Rachel Held Evans on why she left the church (small c), and why she returned to the Church (capital C).
The last loaf of bread.
Alan Knox has a series on the church that perseveres. Part 1 is here.
Arthur Sido on the bigness of the Gospel.

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