One of God’s Servants Goes Home

This afternoon, one of God’s servants went home to be with his Savior. He was not a pastor of the largest church in the country. He was not even the pastor of the largest church in our small town. He didn’t have a radio program, nor did he have a television “ministry” that brought him fame and fortune. He simply was a faithful pastor of a church for over forty years, who loved the people God gave him to shepherd.

He was one of the most engaging personalities I have ever met, always having a kind word for everyone. A consummate kidder, he had a way of brightening your day with a “Good evening” when it was morning, and a “Good morning” at night. He also never seemed to be able to keep holidays straight. He was a loving father and grandfather. I had the privilege of teaching and coaching two of his granddaughters. His love for them, and their love for him was evident.

He was an old school pastor, and there things with which I disagreed. Regardless of the times I might not agree with what he said in a sermon, or some point regarding how to live as a follower of Jesus, I was able to learn a great deal from him. One thing that I definitely knew was the love he had for Jesus, and the joy he found in being a child of the Father. He was one of the most godly men I have known, and was a preacher who was also a pastor to the church where he ministered.

Pastor George Schultz, it was a pleasure knowing you and learning from you. I know you’re happy to be with your Savior. It wouldn’t surprise me if the first thing you said to Jesus was, “Happy New Year.” You were one of God’s great servants, and I know the Father has already said to you, “Well done!”

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