Weekend Wanderings

The weather has turned colder here in the sunny South. The mornings are chilly, with temperatures in the 30s, but the afternoons are beautiful. This Tuesday is Election Day across the country. However you vote, or not vote, remember that no matter who is elected to office, Jesus is still King.

So much for my political statement for the day. On to the links:

Arthur Sido on living as peacemakers.
A good thing to keep in mind on Tuesday.
Swanny on the “F” word.
Alan Knox links to some good articles on table fellowship.
Hopefully you didn’t do this.

Keith Giles on weather reports.
This is pretty cool.
Duh! (HT: iMonk)
Interesting take on Halloween (HT: Jake Belder).
Len on lament.

Government and grace.
Young Americans and libraries (HT: Scot McKnight).
We should all be like this.
Jared Wilson has some good thoughts on the Gospel.
Tilling new creation soil.

Frank Viola has a series on sowing discord. Part 1 is here.
Eric Carpenter reflects.
Working with Daddy.
Romans 8 and the Prodigal.
I agree with Jake.

That’s it for this week. I hope you have a great weekend and a blessed week.

6 Replies to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. Have you ever thought about writing an e-book or guest authoring on other websites? I have a blog based upon on the same subjects you discuss and would really like to have you share some stories/information. I know my viewers would enjoy your work. If you are even remotely interested, feel free to send me an e mail.

  2. "However you vote, or not vote, remember that no matter who is elected to office, Jesus is still King."

    Although this sounds true, it has limitations.
    When the Israelites demanded a king to rule over them "like the nations around", God made it plain that they had decided that He, God, shall no longer reign over them.
    There is no doubt that Jesus is king of kings, but who will be POTUS, and what does it really mean when a president thinks that God has no business in his politics?

  3. Francis, you ask a good question. I believe that seeing Jesus as King now rather than waiting for some future kingdom means that what we do as his followers does not depend on what the government does or doesn't do, and that we are not to think that any person will be the one who saves America.

    I think a large segment of the church has forgotten that our first allegiance is to Christ and not to a political party. We have been willing to compromise things that should be non-negotiables for the sake of power and influence, two things Jesus never told us to seek.

    You ask what it means when a president think that God has no business in his politics. I would say it means that we keep on doing the things that God has told us to do; love him, love others, and make disciples. We also do those things if the president is a godly man.

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