Weekend Wanderings

Today is our daughter Jennie’s birthday. The time keeps moving by far too quickly. It really doesn’t seem like that long ago when I was coaching a tall, lanky high school girl on the basketball court. That girl has been out on her own for a few years now and is making her own way in the world. Jan and I are proud of our “little girl.” I don’t know how she’s getting older. I’m certainly not.

After a couple of weeks, here are the links:

It’s okay to be sad.
Come and rest.
Eyes on him.

Scot McKnight on embracing mystery.
Zac Hunt on the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Arthur Sido on weakness.
Matt on post culture war America.
Richard Stearns on living as an authentic Christian.

The grace of the feast.
When God needed us.
Advent is about desire (HT: Scot McKnight).
Really? I hope not.

Alan Knox on the church and player-coaches.
Is the “evangelical disaster” a good thing?
The Internet Monk on preaching grace.
Wish dreams and the church.
Jeff Dunn is spinning the hits.

Alan Knox has a series on the church, the synagogue, and the city gates. Part 1 is here.
Good news.
Learning from strangers.
World’s scariest bridges.            

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