Weekend Wanderings

Christmas vacation is over and school is back in session here in the sunny South. It’s been a good week here, with a great New Year’s Eve party on Monday, and a good time gathering with friends for dinner the next day. That ham was the best I’ve ever tasted! The decorations have been put away for another year, and things are getting back to what passes for normal around here. The students in Newtown are back in a different school. Continue to pray for them and all the families as there is still a lot for them to go through.

Here are the links for this past week:

Arthur Sido defines insanity.
Matt Appling asks a good question.
Alan Knox on edification.
Jeff Dunn’s purpose driven life.
Scot McKnight on reading.

Three marks of a successful American church.
Blessed are the undesirable.
An explosion of joy.

The fiscal flop.
Michael Kruger on the forgotten second coming (HT: Jake Belder).
Gratitude at the gate.
Nate Pruitt on where God is.
The Gospel: fear or fulfillment?

A good post on discipleship.
Nice try, Sauron.
nakedpastor on competition.
Good post by Zack Hunt.
John Frye on facing a new year.

Questions and answers.
A new evangelical manifesto.
What is edification? 
Making headlines.
Something to give some of us hope (HT: Scot McKnight).

Have a blessed week!

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