Weekend Wanderings

Here in the sunny South, we saw the sun today for the first time in a few days. We seem to be in a pattern of rain for a couple days, then a couple dry days, then rain again. It is getting a bit warmer, and spring will be here before we know it. Last night, we went to hear Ruthie Foster perform. If you ever get a chance to see her in concert, go. You’ll thank me.

Here are the links:

In case you were wondering.
Magic books, grocery lists and silent messiahs.
The most sobering verse in the Bible.
More good news about coffee.
Defining the Jesus Way.

Keith Giles on distance.
Kansas Bob on failure.
Arthur Sido on powerlessness.
Matt Appling on modesty.
Alan Knox on beginning a relationship.

Wrinkled laundry.
What should we do?
Personal relationship.
Worship revision.
A good for nothing God.

The “Sunday thing.”
Afraid of the Holy Spirit?
Time killers.

I hope you have a blessed week!

2 Replies to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. Appreciate the link Fred.

    The weather where you are sounds great! We may be heading down to Charleston, SC this Spring to visit Ann's sister. Hopefully it will not be too hot,. 🙂

    More snow coming into KC today! 🙁

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