Weekend Wanderings

The annual rite of spring known as the NCAA basketball tournament has begun, even though the weather is acting like it’s still the middle of winter. The good news is, I am in fifth place in my bracket group. The bad news is, there are only five of us in the group. In other news, Puxatawney Phil is currently wanted in multiple states for fraud. Word is, he’s disguised as the Easter Bunny.

Okay, enough foolishness. Here are the links for this week:

Kim Kardashian’s pant size. Don’t ask, just read it.
Amazing grace.
Rethinking the gifts of the Spirit. Part IX.
Beer and faith.
The Krusty Sage.

Good question from Dan Edelen.
Good post from Andy Stager.
Something about freedom from Jared Wilson.
Scot McKnight has something on prayer from Mark Twain.

A can of worms.
God’s plan.
Comfort zones.

Keith Giles has a series on unbelievable truth. Part 2 is here.
Jeff Dunn is quitting.
Life-long learning.
Alan Knox on seminars and conferences.
Chaplain Mike on church.

May you have a blessed week as you remember the great love that Jesus showed us on the cross.

2 Replies to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. Thanks for the link FRed!

    I like Bryan Berghoef's article. Blending a beer with theology sounds like fun. I may share a bit from this in a few days?

    Snowing in KC but seems to be slowly letting up a bit for the Jayhawks v Tarheels contest downtown.

  2. You're welcome, Bob. Thanks for faithfully reading.

    I think blending beer with theology is good. There's a sense of acceptance and camaraderie that comes from sharing a beer with someone that helps discussion.

    I saw the snow on tv. Some spring weather!

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