Weekend Wanderings

Weekend Wanderings is back this week. Jan and I had a wonderful weekend in the mountains of North Georgia last week. It rained off and on the whole weekend, but we had a very nice time. Here in the sunny South, we were beginning to think we had moved to the Pacific Northwest. The last few weeks have seen a much larger amount of rain than usual. Many folks have been flooded out of their homes, trees have come down, and river recreation areas have been closed. The sun came out finally. At least I think it’s the sun. It’s been so long.

Here is some of the best in the blogworld:

Wise words for all of us.
No quick fixes.
Thought provoking cartoon from nakedpastor.
Eat the words.
Courage was born.

Good post from Brant Hansen.
Good advice from Terry Dorsett.
Good thoughts from Alan Knox.
Good article from Scot McKnight.
Good ideas from Nate Pruitt.

Follow who?
No “I” in “church.”
God of the group. Followup to the previous post above.
The message of the Kingdom.
Politics and the problem of Jesus.

Matt Appling on inerrancy.
Zack Hunt on Jesus.
If you’re going to do this, at least clean up after yourself.
Ohio State fans will understand this.
So, who is it really all about here?

What your coffee says about you.
Soundtrack from the wander.
I’ve been mad at God before, but not to this extent.
The free bank.

Have a blessed week!

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