Weekend Wanderings

The summer vacation is winding down here in the sunny South. In just a couple of weeks, school will begin again. This weekend, the stores around here are selling “school supplies” without charging sales tax. I put school supplies in quotes because much of the stuff that is tax free can’t even remotely be connected to anything educational. Go figure.

In case you’re interested, here are the links for this week:

Letters from Jesus.
Lord let me see.
What if…?
The little girl’s tattoo.

Mike Erich on prejudice.
A question from Eric Carpenter.
A convicting question from Zack Hunt.
Good post from Kansas Bob.
Chaplain Mike looks at salvation.

The most interesting theologians in the world.
It is finished. Really.
No plan B.
Being a spear carrier.

A poem from John Blase.
Scot McKnight on the scripts we live by.
Nate Pruitt on humility.
Dan Edelen on the Church’s appendix.
Alan Knox on distance and comfort.

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