Weekend Wanderings

It’s time again for everyone’s favorite blog post, Weekend Wanderings! Or not. It’s hot and humid here in the sunny South, and we can’t complain too much because it is August after all. The NFL has started preseason games, and the real thing will begin in a few weeks. College football will also be starting soon. It will be interesting to see how this season shakes out. Possibly with a defensive lineman winning the Heisman Trophy? Maybe.

Anyway, on to the links:

It seems things are getting bad over in Iraq. I thought we solved all their problems.
A mystery about the Mona Lisa may be solved.
God loves her, and she got cancer.
This might be an interesting film.
So there’s been an injustice? I, for one, am grateful, and don’t think I’d like the conviction overturned.

Scot McKnight says we should make trouble.
Andy Stager on casting a vision.
The Merry Monk has a series on pain. Part 1 is here.
Chaplain Mike on community.
Keith Giles has learned some lessons.

Millennials are entitled.
Limited pacifism?
Negotiating the mess.
Letters from Jesus.

Dan Edelen writes about the church’s appendix.
Alan Knox on the Lord’s Supper.
A bit of praise from Jared Wilson.
This is one reason why I love our church.
Zack Hunt says Jesus was wrong.

That’s all for now. Have a blessed week!

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