Weekend Wanderings

It’s been a stressful week around here. Work was very “interesting,” and a health scare had Jan and me scrapping our Saturday plans. Everything is fine. Turned out to be a false alarm, but the links are a bit shorter this week.

Here they are:

This video had been around for awhile, but it’s still funny.
For men.
For women.
Zeal, or anger?

Nate Pruitt on remembering, violence, and love.
Zack Hunt asks a good question.
Jared Wilson has a better word.
Mike Erich expects the supernatural.
John Watson gives us a poem.

This is interesting.
Whose are these hands?
World’s ugliest animal.
Always “Plan A.”
Christian without the adjectives.

Have a blessed week!

2 Replies to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. I hate health alarms – false and real! Had one a few weeks ago that resulted in hernia surgery.

    Hope your week is a bit more peaceful!

    Blessings, Bob

    PS: Thanks for the link Fred!

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