Weekend Wanderings

We turned our clocks back here in the sunny South, as did most of the rest of the country. If you did, you gained an hour of sleep or stayed up an extra hour, depending on your preference. The weather is cooler most days and the leaves are turning. I hope you are able to enjoy the beauty of this season.

On to the links:

Ruth Wilson is at war.
Haunted churches.
Forbes lists the world’s most powerful people.
Athletes’ earnings.

Daniel Wells has some videos.
25 things.
Dan Edelen has a warning.
Your city.

Zack Hunt on Christian haunted houses.
Anything worth doing…
Arthur Sido on marriage.

Prayer for the church.
Drake Baer on the best time to drink coffee.
Fascinating stories.
John Frye on meals.

This is interesting.
Front yard people.
Jeff Dunnon on freedom.
Matt Appling on invoking “love.”

Have a blessed first week of November!

2 Replies to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. DST? I am looking at the sun setting over the river (nice sight) at 5:30pm and longing for the days of summer.

    Hope your week has been a great one Fred!

  2. Unfortunately the sun now is setting at a time when I'm inside coaching basketball, so I'm missing the sunsets. Having a good week. Hope your week has been good as week!

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