Weekend Wanderings

This past Thursday, Americans took a day off and gave thanks for their many blessings, then went out and trampled one another in an attempt to spend money on stuff. We had a wonderful time with family and have so far successfully avoided the crowds. Tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent. For me, celebrating Advent is a good antidote to the bustle and stress of this time of year.

On to the links:

A sign of things to come.
Meghan Tschanz on Thanksgiving.
Action alert.
Shannan Martin on love that swerves.
Ruth Wilson has some confessions.

Christmas is for worship.
How much does your life weigh?
Len on Advent.
Grace applied.
John Frye on the curtain.

Good idea.
Daniel A. Siedell thinks outside the pew.
Morgan Guyton writes about the three “family values” of Black Friday.

Chaplain Mike has a taxing question.
God sees you.
I can sleep better now that this mystery has been solved.
For that person who’s impossible to shop for.

Have a blessed first Sunday of Advent and a great week!

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