Weekend Wanderings

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. It’s getting warm here in the sunny South. Whether that will translate into a hot summer or not is yet to be seen. In news of the world, the radical Islamists in Nigeria are still holding the girls they kidnapped. Pray for these girls, that they would be rescued quickly.

On to the links:

When God is late.
A good for nothing God.
Love mercy.
In sickness and in health.

Confession from Ruth Wilson.
5 signs you might have a wrong view of God.
Falling behind? Maybe not.
iMonk classic on dangerous grace.

Cole Brown on what God will put on us.
Jen Wilkin on failure.
Tullian Tchividjian responds to Jen Wilkin.
This is just a bit odd.

Eerily beautiful.
Cave churches.

Have a great weekend!

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